Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Artistic reflextions so far this year

While it is true that the year is slowly coming to an end, I thought it would be best to start filling the blank spaces I've left since my last posting.  I've been trying my hand at flower painting, taken up embroidery and will also be taking other classes this year in a bid to learn new skills.

I have generally been active, visited many art shows and events in 2018 and this year as well. Some art has been good and some art has been bad. Thankfully, all art has something to teach you.

Above: my rose painting: It is really a drawing I did on paper using crayons and ink, earlier this year or at the end of last year.

I have also been doing a studies on women and relationships, mostly about the role of the modern woman and her ties to her cultural past.

In terms of my own artwork, I have been part of various exhibitions this year, participated in crafts markets and done one unexpected solo show at the WIPO this month (Nov. 2019). More information on these to come before the end of the year.

So what else is new? What's good.

Well, last year just as this one, I went to Art Genève, Art Basel (Switzerland) and 1-54 (London). It was also interesting to visit the British museum last year and see the Nigerian sculptures & artefacts which were taken/looted during the colonial era.

The South African artist, W. Kentridge was in Switzerland and gave a talk at Art Basel Conversations. It was amazing. I hope to do a longer piece on that or at least post part of the article I wrote on it. He had a retrospective of his work on show and I went up to talk to him after he spoke. He was most gracious.
William Kentridge

Sculpture by I. Lardschneider, at Volta Art Fair in Basel, 2019

Painting by The Kid, Volta Art Fair, Basel,  2019

Sculpture by Victor Ekpuk - at 1-54 in London, 2019

More to come on those but suffice to say that they were each very interesting - for various reasons. Last year, I also travelled to Thailand and saw artwork by Thai artists and got inspired by Asian culture. This year, went to the Bilbao's Guggenheim and was blown away by Rietcher, Kiefer and Serra.

On the personal front, I have been trying my hand out at linocut /lino printing and it has been a challenging experience since I've had to turn my hand and eyes to trying new techniques. I am currently part on an exhibition on show in Nyon at Espace Eeeeh! which ends on 9th November:

I've also set up a Facebook page:

And now have an Instagram account dedicated mostly to my craft work, under the handle: Flakisimo

All in a bid to be more "online" and social-media visible. Not always easy but at least this year, am really trying. Fingers crossed that there are better things to come.

Your comments and questions are of course welcome.
In the meantime, wishing you a happy and productive day!

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