Sunday, October 7, 2012

Le Jour J

Like oh my gollygoshsmog! Can't believe the day is finally here!

Spent the day (earlier - oh wait, yesterday now) preparing for this breaking dawn event (no, has nothing to do with film). You know the feeling, it's like when you have put everything you own in your backpack and climbed into the last boat sailing out into the Future and you start to panic 'cos you've lost sight of shore and realise it's too late to jump overboard 'cos you are more likely to drown faster than reach the shore? Yes, that's the feeling.

Anyway, had to drop anchor (pun intended) before the big day. There has been a swirl of mixed emotions all battling for domination - and what feels like a gastric ulcer forming and yet...and yet... hope.

A boy once cast his last shiny coin into the magician's box and prayed rust wouldn't gush out. Imagine his surprise when the magician conjured up a dove instead of giving him the secret behind the trick.
Am rambling...must be fatigue.

Le Jour J est arrivé - finalement. Il amene des sentiments comme l'espoir, la peur et la doute.
Comment procéder sans se bruler les doigts?

Avant, j'ai voulu faire une traduction directe de ce que j'avais dit en haut mais vu le temps passé, je dois malheureusement aller me coucher. Le grand jour est finalement arrivé est je dois mettre tout en place avant de fermer mes yeux.

Tout ça (les préparations, les emails et autres) viennent avec la sensation de glisser entre deux mondes. C'est comme...un sentiment bizarre mais c'est lié à un autre sentiment; de l'espoir.
On verra bien comment la journée allait se dérouler.

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