Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Recent forays into artworld

Aside from the glorious Picasso exhibition at the MAW earlier this year (more on that coming later), I would like to discuss some of the recent artworks I have seen at various venues. Mind you, this will be more of a taster than a full article as it will take a while to write down in detail my impressions of each of the exhibitions.

Timothy Yarger gallery in L.A.

It was great to see more sculptures by Carole Feuerman (have you seen the drips of water? Still amazing attention to detail!) after such a long time. It warmed the cockles of my heart. I am also glad I got chat with her gallerist, Mr Yarger, who was most kind and answered my nosy questions about the artist.

The Basel Art Fair in Basel

Where does one even begin with this incredible art show? This 44th edition was as overwhelming as the others. The Unlimited space was bigger than ever and there were some pretty inspiring pieces that surprised me.

Below is an amazing sculpture/installation made from wood, steel, books/paper. People kept taking pictures - it was almost like there was this  compulsive need to document his work. And it was pretty amazing to look at - no mater what angle you chose.

The work below is made using black wool thread and the inspiration comes from a fire she witnessed as a child in Japan. The work is also site-specific - that means she had to come and build it.



Picasso exhibition in Geneva

While I do not have photographs of this exhibition (picture taking was discouraged), I will try and upload some of the images I found at a later point. It was an incredible exhibition because it showed Picasso in a totally different light and mainly from the eye of the American photographer, Douglas. It was not only a photography exhibition but one that included sculptures, drawings and videos of or about the famous artist. Glad I went!!